Focus and Scope
Management Studies and Business Journal (PRODUCTVITY) with e-issn:XXXX-XXXX and p-issn:XXXX-XXXX reviewed covers theoretical and applied research in the field of Management and Business. Priority is given to those articles which satisfy the main scope of the journal, and have an impact in the research areas of interest. The PRODUCTIVITY Journal is intended to be the journal for publishing articles reporting the results of research in the areas :
- Marketing Management,
- Finance Management,
- Strategic Management,
- Operation Management,
- Human Resource Management,
- E-business,
- Knowledge Management,
- Management Accounting,
- Management Control System,
- Management Information System,
- Innovation Management,
- Islamic Principal Management,
- Ethics and Sustainable, and
- Entrepreneurship / Business.
The acceptance decision is made based upon an independent review process that provides critically constructive and prompt evaluations of submitted manuscripts.